Expeditions 7 team at Dye II on the Greenland ice sheet.
Leading an expedition is a lot of responsibility, and ensuring your team has the medical knowledge and capacity to care for themselves is just part of the job.

Bouldering and rock climbing.
Rock climbing with kids is a great way to harness their curiosity, but knowing how to care for them if they get injured is part of being a responsible parent or guardian.

Camping and RV'ing.
2021 AEV Prospector, AT Overland Summit topper, and Black Series HQ21 camper in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Overlanding in the Gila Forest, New Mexico.
Overlanders can travel and stay beyond the reaches of cell phone service, and caring for you and your companions is an important consideration.

Hunting the plains of North Dakota.
Hunters carry firearms into remote locations and should understand the principles of wilderness medicine, especially accidental firearm injuries.

Hiking with family.
Responsible family members know how to provide first aid for each other, especially when they travel remotely.